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Personal data responsibility


Svalbard Husky AS has personal data responsibility. The protection of your personal information is important to us. The protection is also governed by the Personal Data Act, which is superseded by the General Data Protection Regulation (DGPR) on May 25, 2018. Below you can read about how we handle your personal data and what rights you have. If you would like to contact us, please do so at 

phone +47 78403078 , or email



What personal data is collected


None, we refuse to collect anything. 



Purpose of personal data processing


We do not care and therefor do not do it.



Storage of personal data


We respect your privacy so we leave it alone.



Processing of personal data in countries outside the EU and EEA


Depending on where your destination is located and which partners you use, your personal data may be processed outside the EU and EEA. Although the destination of a trip is within the EU/EEA, for example, transport companies and hotels may be based outside the EU / EEA. Only the information required for the execution of the trip and other services is provided to partners.


By submitting your personal information to us, you agree that we process personal data outside the EU and the EEA and are aware that privacy data protection may be lower than within the EU and EEA.



Your rights to information about you.


You have the right, at any time, to withdraw your consent to processing the information you have provided to us.


This means that you can also request rectification or deletion of your personal information. Such a request is made in writing to us. Your data will then be corrected or deleted within a month's time. If you have a current trip that is not completed or completed, or has an ongoing complaint or the like, the data will be deleted within one month after completion.


You can log in to My Page with your password and email and see personal information we store about you and your travels. You can also correct and update information. You can also contact us with the request to have access to the registered information we have about you, which we will leave within a month.



Want to know more about the Data Protection Ordinance (GDPR)?


More information on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is available on the data inspection website,

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